Sunday 5 April 2020

Black Redstart - Little Orme

One of my intended stop offs on my North Wales trip at the beginning of March was the Little Orme in Llandudno. Black Redstarts are a good possibility here in the winter months in the quarries.

A steep climb had me wishing I had a few less layers on, but that didn't last too long on this cold day.
The tough part of the visit was just about to start though. Spotting a small grey bird amid multi faceted grey rock is not all that easy. The bird does have a nice orange tail, but in shadow it was not that easy to pick up.

Anyway, I did eventually manage to pick up on it's movement and I enjoyed watching it for a good 20 minutes or so, before leaving it to it's own devices, which mainly consisted of flycatching and insect picking.

The view from the top of the Little Orme.

Here is the little bird. So well camouflaged at a distance.

Can you see it? Just slightly left of centre. This was my problem. Without binoculars, I'd say pretty impossible to spot. Perfect habitat.


  1. Hello, WOW, the view is gorgeous. Love the cute Black Redstart. It does blend in well. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, stay well. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week ahead.

  2. I would never be able to spot the bird, with or without binoculars.

  3. Holy cow...what terrific natural camouflage! Thanks so much for this. We birders at I'd Rather B Birdin appreciate your blog post & photos!

  4. Adam - you're right - very hard to pick out. Clever photos. Joining you from Saturday's Critters!

  5. Wow! It blends right into the background!
    Cute little bird, and the first photo - beautiful scene!

  6. Great example of camouflage.

  7. How clever! It certainly blends right into the background!


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