Saturday 1 June 2019

Sand Martin - Wilmslow Park

I finally got round to doing something that I had planned on doing a long time ago, photographing the Sand Martin colony at Wilmslow Park. Just a short walk from home, these great little hirundines  make the sandy banks of the River Bollin there home each year. Not the easiest bird to photograph in flight, I wanted to focus on the nest holes and hopefully get a something better than a blur. I still managed lots of blurs, but also managed to get some of them whilst almost still.

The smallest of the hirundines feeds mainly over water, quite often chirping as it goes.


  1. It is very encouraging to see a healthy colony like this.

  2. ...Martins are always a wonderful sight!

  3. I had never heard of these birds before now. Good photos!
    Have a great day!

  4. Hello, wonderful photos and sighting of the Sand Martins. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend.

  5. Oh beautiful! I love that last one with his little foot sticking out! You must have been thrilled with your pics! It's so nice to be able to take lots of them in case some aren't in focus! Enjoy your weekend!

  6. Great shots of a nice little beauty!

  7. Absolutely amazing! I know just what you mean about getting good photos of swallows. You managed to get perfect ones.

    For linking in with us this weekend at I'd Rather B Birdin', I thank you. Happy birding!

  8. They are pretty little things peeking out of holes

  9. I'd never heard of these guys - they're fascinating!
    Thanks for joining the party at

  10. SO tiny! Like the colored under belly or chin.

  11. What a lovely thing to see


  12. You did succeed in obtaining some captivating images!

  13. You did well there Adam. We find that if we closer than say 25 yards away, the whole colony panics into the air and won't go back until we retreat.


I enjoy reading your comments as much as I enjoy taking the pictures. Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post.