Friday 17 May 2019


I had a lovely walk last weekend. The sun was shining and it was calm and warm. I was able to leave the jacket in the car and enjoy the delights of the Cheshire countryside. Lots of birds were busy feeding young and so making themselves obvious in flight and again on the ground.
The Swallows have not been back very long, but numbers are building up nicely and it's good to watch them gliding over the fields once again. Even better for me, is when they perch up on a cable or wire to allow me to take some pictures, and when the sun shines it's even better.


  1. Hello, The swallow is beautiful. Lovely collection of photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day. Wishing you a great weekend.

  2. We haven't had sun for days! it makes such a difference when birding. Great shots.

  3. Wonderful shots of the swallow.

  4. Beautiful photos of this little cutie!
    Well done, as usual, Birder :)

  5. ...beautiful captures, reminds me of Leonard Cohen's song 'Bird on the Wire.'

  6. It is great to see the pictures of these Barn Swallows. We have started to monitor our two Barn Swallow colonies but the birds are behind by at least a week this year. The weather has been so cold I doubt that the females have been able to find enough food to build up the huge energy reserve needed for egg laying. Warm weather is in the forecast now so we can only hope that will improve. Let us know how your swallows do.

  7. it's always nice to be outdoors without a sweater or jacket, that is the weather that is upon us!! the barn swallows are beautiful, the colors are so rich. i really like the long shoots out the back, making them so recognizable!! very nice pictures!!

  8. Beautiful swallows! I love their colors.

  9. I didn't see many Swallows before I left for Menorca on May 3rd. Now I'm seeing many more as if lots arrived in the first and second weeks of May.

  10. Beautiful picture of these swallows.
    All perfectly sharply photographed, my compliments.
    I wish you a nice Sunday.
    Best regards, Irma

  11. Hello Adam.
    Wonderful photos. The Swallows are beautiful birds.

  12. They are pretty...and powerful flyers!

  13. Beautiful pics of the swallow. Love his long forked tail.

  14. Beautiful swallow. Have a happy new week.

  15. I have seen very few swallows here in south Florida, but the very similar Barn Swallows were nesting already in Illinois. Beautiful images!

  16. Very pretty. Your photos always please the eye!
    Thanks for sharing at

  17. So bright, so clear, so BEAUTIFUL!

  18. how wonderful! I have not seen any yet but I have heard they are coming soon. :)

  19. A perfect Spring day! Beautiful weather, beautiful birds! Life is good.

  20. Beautiful bird and great photos!

  21. We are going home to our cabin after a long absence. I wonder if any of the tree and barn swallows have built nests. - Margy

  22. Wonderful photos! I like the pointed tail of the swallow. Thye are such graceful birds.

  23. Sounds the perfect morning. Great photos.

  24. These are wonderful photos!


I enjoy reading your comments as much as I enjoy taking the pictures. Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post.