Saturday 1 September 2018

Goyt Valley

This is a look back to the Spring when there was a lot of activity in the Goyt Valley. One of my favourite places to visit at this time. So much going on and so much to see. It is quite the opposite in the autumn and winter when it can be very bleak and devoid of anything. It's still a lovely place to walk though.
This particular evening there were a few bits and bobs around. The usual Canada Geese were calling from the bank side of Errwood Reservoir and the odd Red Grouse could be heard every so often.

Song Thrush on the dry stone wall.

A Tree Pipit in its usual lofty position.

A Willow Warbler in amongst the fresh new leaves


  1. Hello, pretty collection of birds. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. We don't have these in USA...a special treat.
    I'm late getting around to visiting today...birding early before the holiday traffic built up! Thanks for linking in with us this weekend!

  3. Very nice photos, especially the last one!
    Have a great week!

  4. Great shots! Thanks for joining us this week at

  5. Alway rewarding to be able to look back and have those photos as memories...Michelle


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