Saturday 28 July 2018

RSPB Geltsdale

RSPB Geltsdale near Carlisle held such a variety of wildlife that I am already looking forward to a visit again next year.
On leaving the car I could see Hares running in the fields. As they had not seen me, I took some time just to observe from a distance.

Enjoying the early morning sunshine.

Meadow Pipits were plentiful and they were constantly hopping onto the dry stone walls. It felt like they were keeping me company as I went on my walk.

 From the viewing screen there was a lot of activity, with birds constantly flitting around the trees and shrubs. It was difficult to pin them down sometimes as to what they were.

 This Reed Bunting showed itself briefly through the branches.

This Sedge Warbler was busy feeding young and can be seen here with some grubs in it's bill.

The more distant and more common view of the Sedge Warbler.


  1. love every one happy weekend !!

  2. Hello, the Hares are cute. Nice birds and photos. I especially like the Reed Bunting. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

  3. I love that last's so soft that it looks more like a painting! Happy weekend!

  4. Great-looking hare, and loved the birds. Some really nice shots.

  5. Love the hare and of course all the great birds.

  6. Fantastic captures for Image-In-Ing!

  7. I'm not sure I've ever seen a hare... or perhaps I have and just assumed it was a rabbit!
    Thanks for linking up at

  8. Wonderful photos- love how you captured the little birds

  9. Great photos!
    I especially like the Reed Bunting


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