Sunday 11 March 2018

Barn Owl

A tricky bird to find at the best of times, it was a real bonus to find one out in the afternoon on a walk with my parents in Norfolk. It was bit grey and damp and so not easy to photograph. I spent most of my time just admiring it through the binoculars and with the naked eye. They look so majestic in flight with those broad white wings. A real bonus to seen at any time of the day or year.

Light didn't help, but at least the face and tail feathers are in focus.


  1. A gorgeous bird!
    Thanks for joining us at

  2. I love their faces, so the second one is my favourite. Good shots despite the weather! Thanks for sharing.
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  3. A wonderful subject for photos! What a gorgeous bird with that unique face.

  4. Beautiful bird!
    And what a thrill to see it in its natural habitat. I have seen them only in captivity at wildlife rehab places

  5. I've never seen one... thanks for the lovely photo.. they have a cute face...

  6. Gorgeous shots! I would LOVE to have a sighting, much less get a photo!

  7. Here in my part of NY State barn owls were killed by people, by rodent poisons. There is a group that is raising and re-introducing these amazing owls....

  8. I could care less if in focus .... so dazzling! I am so happy for you (and for us) that you were in the right place at the right time!

  9. Cool! Owls are really neat birds. How fun to capture photos of this one.

  10. What a treat! I've never seen an owl.

  11. Hello, great sighting of the Barn owl. They are beautiful. Great photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  12. Hello!:)What a great sighting! I hear Barn Owls but I have yet to see one in the wild. I love the muted colours in both your photos.

  13. Marvelous! I'd love to get pictures like that of a barn owl.

  14. Lucky you. Owls are a favorite of mine, but have only been able to photograph one so far. This one is a beauty!

  15. He's beautiful! That soft light is actual expected! So no problem.

  16. It's a gorgeous bird. Love the photo with the face and tail in focus and the blurred wings - which show it was flying :)

  17. I have seen Barn Owls a number of times but never had one pose so nicely.-- and my flight shots were all "going away."


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