Sunday 28 January 2018

Purple Sandpiper

Throughout the winter months several Purple Sandpipers can be seen along the rockier parts of the north Norfolk coast. I was fortunate to find one at the weekend. Not the easiest bird to find, especially in the the gloomy conditions of Saturday morning, as it blends in really well with the dark stones. Having a hunch where to look does help, and I've found them here before. So I was delighted to find one as I peered over the seal wall. It paid no attention to me at all as it looked for food and the tide crashed into the rocks.
A bird I always look froward to seeing, as it is just a little different (and not as common) as other wading birds.


  1. Hi Adam, I haven't seen you for an age. I love the purple sandpiper. These little water birds are some of my favorites. Enjoy your day. Jo

  2. Thanks Jo. I’ve been busy doing lots of running. Looking forward to using the camera again now though.

  3. I have such a difficult time sorting out the different sea birds, probably because we don't spend enough time at the beach. I would love to spend more time there.
    Thanks for sharing at

  4. I don't think I've ever seen a Purple Sandpiper...what a beautiful name! And I love that last photo, where the bird seems to be looking at you.
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  5. The purple sandpiper is new to me. I live inland, so rarely get to see these types of birds. Thank you for sharing. Happy Wednesday.

  6. He looks like he is hunkered down - maybe he would rather be at home with a nice cup of tea? Or maybe he just has really short legs. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Interesting bird! Love the close-up shot!

  8. Wonderful shots of that bird.

  9. Hello!:) I was on the hunt for a Purple Sandpiper myself last year but didn't find one, although I knew they were in the vicinity. Your shots are brilliant, nice sighting.:)

  10. Nice shots of a really great bird! What fun to see what you are looking for!

  11. Lovely to capture and to be near the water...Michelle


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