Wednesday 3 May 2017

Grasshopper Warbler

I've not come across a Grasshopper Warbler for a few years now. Mainly due to me not visiting a very good site where they are guaranteed. So it was a really nice surprise when I heard one reeling on the Wirral a week or so ago.

A very secretive bird, they don't make it easy for you to see them, and it's usually just their song that you take with you as a memory.
A little different on this day, as this particular bird showed itself a few times in a bush. These pictures make it look like it was just sitting there and close up, but it really wasn't. It barely stopped flitting and these were a good distance away. Thank goodness for the long lens.


  1. What a great photos! We have here in Finland only about 5000 pairs of the Grasshopper Warbler - so it is difficult to find them.

  2. You manages some great shots of this sweet little bird!

  3. Great photos!
    Have a wonderful week-end!

  4. perfect portraits! And, truly they are perfect since I know just what a challenge it is to get a warbler to cooperate with the camera lens.

    Before I leave, I'd like to send along my thanks for sharing this with us birders at I'd Rather B Birdin' this weekend!! Have a glorious week ahead.

  5. Hello, sweet shots of the Warbler. I was away for two weeks and I am so sorry to be late commenting and visiting your post. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and new week ahead!


I enjoy reading your comments as much as I enjoy taking the pictures. Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post.