Saturday 27 May 2017

Golden Plover

I've searched for this particular bird species up on the moors of Cheshire for years now. I hear their calls echo around, but I've never found one up here. I see them quite frequently in Norfolk but it was always a bit of a bogey bird for me. I knew that they would be breeding, but they've always been elusive. I've sat in my car waiting for hours. I've wandered the moors of Axe Edge and nearby, but to no avail. Just recently though I had a bit of a tip off, and followed it up. As I got out of the car, that eerie ghostly call was picked up immediately. I could see at least half a dozen or so in fantastic breeding plumage. I walked back and along the public footpath to get a closer look.
Such a stunning little bird. I was just so pleased to see them here, and now I know for future, I should have more success in locating the little blighters.


  1. Glad you got to see this and get some great shots!

  2. Wow, this is a gorgeous Plover. I would love to see it some day. Great shots.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your Memorial Day weekend!

  3. Wow Adam, this is a beautiful Plover. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day. Jo

  4. Hello Adam!:) Glad you finally got to see this elusive "little Blighter" ha ha!!:=)
    His decorative feathers and golden colouring is most attractive. Well spotted!

  5. What a thrill!! To finally sight in on the plover after all the years of searching! And beautiful images to boot!!

    Before I leave, I want to send along my thanks for linking in at I'd Rather B Birdin' to share this post with us!!

  6. I think you have captured the colours really well, seen them in that condition only a couple of times here in Cumbria.
    All the best Gordon.

  7. Wow! Its feathers sparkle like gold! Beautiful!

  8. That is a great bird! Congrats! Always exciting to find something new for the area!


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