Sunday 29 May 2016


Lapwings have been a feature in recent months on my patch in Woodford. Some have been fortunate enough to raise some young, others have not been so lucky. All the while though, the sound and sight of them has been a real pleasure. Their acrobatic displays are always a better distraction than another Woodpigeon overhead. Add to that the sounds they make (a bit like tuning in an old radio) it's all you need to brighten up a walk.


  1. What a unique - looking lapwing, Adam. I am watching a pair of Blacksmith Lapwing on the golf course. As I approach with the dogs, they fly up and make a noise, and try to entice us away from "their" turf. I'm sure they have a nest near the water - but search as I might, I've not found it yet.

  2. Hello, gorgeous captures of the Lapwing. Beautiful bird! Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  3. Great pictures and for once I recognised the bird.

  4. Wow. I've never seen one. That looks really cool! Perhaps we don't have those in the States.
    Have a great week, and thanks for sharing at

  5. Clear captures of this interesting lapwing - Yes! early morning seems to be the best time for both birding and photography. I'm pleased you made the effort & shared these lovely captures with us.

  6. A lovely bird. I like the tuft of feather on the head.

  7. wow what a clear pic and unique bird

  8. What a beautiful looking bird and great shots.


  9. It's always wonderful to see them.

  10. Oh my, I love the head feather on this bird.. very regal looking...Michelle

  11. Such a pretty bird. Love the feather on the head. #animaltales

  12. AS far as I know our local lapwings don't breed and generally we only see them in winter. I love watching them all rise from the fields though, and they are such beautiful birds. #AnimalTales


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