Tuesday 8 March 2016

Great Northern Diver - West Kirby

Some weeks back I headed to the Wirral to look for a reported Great Northern Diver. It had apparently been showing well for some time and giving very good views. The day I chose was grey and overcast, and by the time I got to West Kirby on the Wirral it had started to rain. Not ideal for finding a dark bird on dark water. Still, it didn't deter me. I was determined to find this bird and try and get close if I could. Easier said than done. There's not a lot you can do when a bird wants to stay out fishing in the middle of the lake.
I did the best I could, but the light, and anything else I can think of were against me. I had to settle for some more long distance shots. One day I will get some decent pictures of this species, and when I do I'll be over the moon.


  1. Great sighting of the diver. It is much like our loons. Enjoy your day!

  2. It was absolutely pouring down when I went to see it. Scope steamed up, bins drenched, but it was so close I only needed my eyes :)

  3. Looks very similar to what we call Common Loon. Beautiful images of the diver. If they're anything like our loons they DO dive...a lot!!!!

  4. I am always fascinated to see birds riding so low in the water like this one!

  5. "decent' or not, its still a great bird.

    cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne


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