Monday 8 February 2016

Pallid Harrier - Flitcham

Last weekend, I spent what is fast becoming a Birthday event for me, a lovely weekend in Norfolk with my parents bird watching. Alongside that is some good food, drink and plenty of laughs and reminiscing. I look forward to it immensely once Christmas is out of the way.
There are always some good bird highlights and possibly one of the best for a while, was the sighting of a Pallid Harrier at Abbey Farm, Flitcham. It has been in the area for a while, but I wanted to catch up with it as this was a lifer for me.
We waited for 15 to 20 minutes before it showed itself, rising up from the stubble before disappearing once again. Another 5 minutes passed before it showed again. This time quartering the field in what was a real spectacle. We lost it over the hedge line before it shot straight through a gap in the hedge close beside us. An awesome sight and one I will remember for a while to come.

All shots are quite distant, but I'm pleased to have got some record shots of this harrier.

While waiting for the Pallid Harier to show, we were entertained by some large flocks of Brambling.

And a pair of Egyptian Geese.


  1. Raptors are such majestic birds.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hello, great post on the Harrier. Awesome flight shots. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  4. Hello Adam!:) Congratulations on your lifer captures of the Harrier. Special moments, and wonderful flight shots.

  5. Really nice shots. I was surprised to see how similar it is to our Northern Harrier (particularly the white rump).

  6. I find it hard to capture birds in flight! You got them so well. Great series!
    Happy WW!

  7. beautiful photos and a great bird to see!

  8. Pallid Harrier? Thats would be a new one for me as well - where should it really be at this time of year?

    cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

    1. Stewart, it should really be in sub-Saharan Africa or Eastern Asia. Quite how it ended up in Norfolk I've no idea. It's currently roosting with 4 Hen Harriers, so maybe it followed them across at some point.

  9. Happy Birthday! What a lovely way to spend your special day. Great photos of the harrier!

  10. Happy Birthday! .... Great way to spend it....

  11. I found your blog on Wordless Wednesday, however when I glanced to the side and saw 'Egyptian Geese' I had to click on that post first. I started seeing them at our community center a few years ago and thought WOW! These are beautiful! I asked and asked and no one could tell me what they were. After a few days of diligently searching Google, I finally found them! I also found out that they were, at one time, brought in to beautify golf courses. They eventually would make their home there and breed. Funny the things you learn.
    Anyway, I hope to explore your blog more in the coming days and hope you can visit my blog also as I am newly back on the blogging scene after taking a few years off to raise my kids and sure could use a comment and/or a follow :)

    - Lisa


I enjoy reading your comments as much as I enjoy taking the pictures. Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post.