Thursday 28 January 2016

The Elusive Water Rail

A bird that I see all to rarely is the Water Rail. It is such a secretive bird, that catching a glimpse is usually all I get, and not on too many occasions either. It's one of those birds that really gives me a thrill when one comes into view. It makes me gulp and take a sharp intake of breath.
Having seen one the other day at Pennington Flash I hoped that I may be able to get some pictures of it. Why should this occasion be like any other though? It did what it does best, and that is to stay out of harms way in the undergrowth (and why not?).
I stayed watching for what seemed like seconds but may have been longer. It was all too short but a real privilege at the same time. What a great looking bird.

These shots are typical of what you see of a Water Rail.

At least I managed a face shot this time.


  1. Hello Adam!:) It is a great looking bird, nice face shot, and better luck next time!:)

  2. Never heard of or seen one of these birds. But then what's new?

  3. Hello, awesome sighting of this cool bird. Great shots. Happy February, enjoy your new week!


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