Saturday 18 July 2015


I've not seen a Wheatear for a few months. To be honest though, I've not really been anywhere that they would be. I made a long awaited trip to Macclesfield at the weekend. I love this place. A real variety of habitat, from fast flowing rivers, reservoirs and forest to upland moors and craggy slopes.
I stumbled across this chap, who then proceeded to show me the way along this dry stone wall.
I didn't catch his name, but was more than happy for him to stop by and help me out.



  1. A very handsome guide ... It is always best to have one with local knowledge! That place sounds amazing ... All that diversity of terrain, the water .... Heavenly!

  2. He's in good nick Adam. Reckon he had a family hidden in that wall not too far away.

  3. How rude not to ask his name - in the end I reckon he showed you a white bum as a result - am I correct?

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

    PS: Cracking shots

  4. Looks like scrollwork along the edge of his wings. A real beauty.

  5. Sounds like a wonderful place. And the images of the Wheatear are stunning.

  6. Wonderful images, it is a handsome bird.

  7. Handsome bird..Lovely wing markings..Glad you ran across him..HAppy Sunday..

  8. What a sweet helper! They are really beautiful with their coloring. Love the pattern the borwnish feather tips make on his back from his folded wings! Great shots!

  9. That is a sea of birds!! Beautiful!

  10. Such a sweet looking bird. I really like that last shot of it.

  11. Great photos and I like the idea of following the bird along the wall.

  12. What a wonder pattern on the feathers. I have not seen anything like this bird before. It's really beautiful.

  13. Stunning pattern on those feathers and superb shots!

  14. What a beautiful bird. I have never seen one before! Macc is near to me, it is a super place.

  15. Pretty little bird. He looked right at you too!

  16. i love the pattern on the wings, looks like it's been dipped

  17. How great that he was there to show you the way. This little guy is just gorgeous.

  18. A beautiful little bird!

  19. I wish all wildlife wore little name tags at least as a far as species.. LOL... Handsome fellow and your photos are so clear Adam... Michelle


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