Monday 6 July 2015

Butterfly Season

I'm really enjoying this butterfly season. It seems like there has been a real explosion just recently. Speckled Woods seem to be the most abundant, but they are real pains to get a picture of. Move within a metre or two of them and they're off, and waiting for them to settle again is a pointless task. LA long lens was my only hope, as I managed to get a couple of okay shots, but not the open winged ones that I wanted.

The Brown Argus was a new butterfly to me this year. This one was found on the chalky slopes of Martin Down in Salisbury, and it is actually very small. A great looking butterfly though.



  1. Love the images. Great!

  2. Great butterfly shots.
    Thanks for sharing at

  3. I've been enjoying butterfly season as well and found a couple of new butterflies around here as well. Good luck getting just the right shot... but I think these are pretty nice.

  4. Beautiful butterflies and great photos.

  5. Thanks for identifying them. They are new to me.

  6. Gorgeous..I spent a lot of last summer looking for butterflies..Not any luck..Maybe this year I will have more luck..

  7. So beautiful! I´m always to slow...

  8. Great captures. I really must go and do some butterfly spotting with my kids now that they're so many around.

  9. Great fotos butterflies, greeting from Belgium. "Mons ma ville"

  10. It's been pretty dire around my way so far for butterflies (and Odes) hoping it will pick up soon.

    Great set of photos

  11. I fiond butterflies never stay still enough to shoot. Many around at the moment - note to self: must try harder. Great shots.

  12. I love butterflies, these are beautiful. My current blog post is about a butterfly that came to visit us. You should visit too.

  13. Gorgeous butterfly and lovely images!

  14. Super photos. My buddleia is now flowering ready for tortoiseshells, peacocks, and, hopefully a red admiral or two :) #animaltales

  15. Hi Y'all!

    Love those butterflies. They have such beautiful markings.

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  16. How I love butterflies. I am glad you are seeing and sharing them. It is rainy here.... Michelle

  17. We get a lot of butterflies here in Normandy and this year is no exception but my photography skills (and camera) are not up to getting decent shots.

    Thank you for sharing these great photos on #AnimalTales - I didn't realise your interest spread it's wings beyond birds but I am glad it does!

  18. lovely shots, i noticed an abundance of butterflies in canada


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