Monday 2 March 2015

Song Thrush

Spring is on the way, or so everyone is telling me. It doesn't feel like it is with the current temperatures, the hail, sleet and snow showers that we are having at the moment. There are signs though, that to me are the real signs of Spring. The birds are singing again, and if you're up early enough, the mornings are getting pretty noisy once more.
Along with the Robins and Blackbirds, one of my favourite birds to hear is the Song Thrush. Usually found atop a tall tree to get maximum effect, it runs through its repertoire of song, which can sound like car alarms, mobile phones or just pure mimicry of other birds songs. When it's all put together though, it's quite magical to listen too.
Spring is on the way. I know it is. The birds told me.


  1. Your Song Thrush is a beautiful bird, great shots.. Have a happy new week ahead!

  2. I wish I could distinguish birds by their songs.

  3. Great photos - now I shall have to go and find its song - not much good just reading about it as I have no idea what it sounds like!

  4. Birds don't lie. I heard our cardinals singing today, a sure sign that spring is coming!

  5. So pretty! We're going to get more snow, but eventually it's going to feel like spring. I'd love to have some sunshine.

  6. He's such a pretty little thing. I love his eyebrows!

  7. Song Thushes are amazing. All through the winter I've seen very few and then suddenly in the last few weeks there are lots singing.

  8. Song Thushes are amazing. All through the winter I've seen very few and then suddenly in the last few weeks there are lots singing.

  9. Beautiful shots. Birds can be quite uncooperative when you have a camera in your hands.

  10. Great pictures. Our back field is full of Winter Thrushes (mainly Fieldfares).

  11. Lovely shots! Yes, the birds are telling us it is soon...

  12. Our Cardinals are singing as well ... beautiful music to my ears. I wonder, though, how they can sing in this terrible weater (Snow, sleet and -degree weather). You are lucky to have the Thrush to listen to ... their songs are amazing. Nice post ... Hope the birds are right and spring is just around the corner. I used to believe it when I heard them, but the changing climate is not predictable.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  13. You listen to those least they are hopeful!! The weather this afternoon doesn't do anything to convince me..Nice Thrush shots...I haven't seen any yet..Lots of Robins and Bluebirds..The finches are showing a hint of yellow..

  14. A beautiful songster and an integral part of the dawn chorus. Nice shots Adam.

    P.S. Might be a while before you can pack away the thermals!

  15. Hello Adam!:) Lovely shots of the thrush. I hear their song every morning, seems like they are telling me the very same thing. It looks quite bright and even sunny in your shots.

  16. A very good serie!
    My birdpost:

  17. Wonderful shots. Waiting for spring is hard - but it will be here soon.

  18. Beautiful photos of the song thrush.
    I hope spring comes soon.

  19. Such a beautiful bird. Glad to know spring is on the way, since we're expecting 5-8 inches of snow today.

  20. Great photos of the birds. I don't know what a song thrush sounds like but I do like the sound of birds singing. I hope our Spring is coming. It turned a bit cold this week where I live.

  21. Beautiful! I love that quizzical stance in the second photo :D)

  22. Your weather sounds a lot like ours today. I look forward to the Northern Mockingbird's songs, they are also great mimics. What are the birds in your header photo?


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