Tuesday 9 December 2014


It's been a while since I've seen a Treecreeper and I wasn't really looking for one when I was at Macclesfield Forest, but the cold seemed to have brought them out in abundance with at least 4 seen in a short space of time. I find that they're one of those birds that I just have to watch once I've spotted one. They're a little hypnotic the way they wind their way up the tree and then down again to the next one, while picking under the bark for food.

Just look at those long toes


  1. really neat birds! wow, you're not kidding on the claws!

  2. These little guys are difficult to capture at time, but you did a wonderful job of it~

  3. Awesome bird! Cool sighting and photos of the Creeper.

  4. excellent shots of it. My favourite also. :)

  5. We have these. OK, had these, in the better weather! Most of our insects are hibernating!!!

  6. I love your photography - so lovely~
    Thanks for sharing at http://www.image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2014/12/a-holiday-recipe-for-you.html

  7. I saw a brown creeper once. Never got a photo of it....
    These images are awesome.

  8. It's very hard to get shots of a forever active and camouflaged Treecreeper Adam. You did exceptionally well there to get those.

  9. Awesome bird! We have something similar in Australia but it's not related, just a matter of convergent evolution. But come to think of it, I always feel compelled to stop and watch it for a while as well!

  10. Beautiful series of images of the tree creeper.
    Difficult to achieve this because of its camouflage.

  11. Great shots of the bird in action.

  12. Such a cute little bird! But I've never seen one. I also like your blog header picture.

  13. Love these little birds! Saw my first kind of tree creeper in Texas when we lived there and as you say, was fascinated!

  14. Fabulous photos! I saw tree creepers in the forest too, but it was too dark for me to get any photos of them.

  15. Great shots of this neat little bird.

  16. Cute little guy! The tree creeper we have here is shades of brown.

  17. I love the photos of the little creeper in action. I have nuthatches coming to my deck but don't know where to see them on a tree. Really cool!


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