Wednesday 1 October 2014

Ringed Plover - Snettisham

I almost walked past these birds as I made my way along the beach. They're so well camouflaged from a distance and when motionless. But given time, they made their way towards me oblivious to my presence just a few metres away. It allowed me to get some nice close ups of a bird I generally find difficult to capture.


  1. Beautiful shots. I love plovers. We have Three-banded Plover here. We see them at night on the mine haul road as well as near water puddles in the road during the day. Hard to pick up on camera until they move as you say! Have a great birding day!

  2. I agree Adam. A rather striking bird which you might imagine is easy to find and see, but unless they move it is easy to miss them, especially if only a few are around.

  3. lovely photos of a lovely bird. I know how difficult they can be to spot too!

  4. What a sweet bird. I love that 1st shot.

  5. Plovers do hide well (except for killdeers) so good for you for spotting them and taking such great photos!

  6. Plovers usually are quite wary. You were lucky to have one stay so close to you.

  7. congrats to the very nice images of them. As you say, so hard to capture. :)

  8. Love the plover! They are protected in MA ~ Beautiful birding photography as always!

    Happy Weekend ~
    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Great bird and wonderful photos.

  10. Pretty shots of your Plover.. It looks a lot like our Semipalmated Plover.. Really cute bird.. Thank you for linking up, have a happy weekend!

  11. Great photos. The plover looks so sweet!

  12. Fabulous shots of these cute birds!

  13. Love these little waders and how they run about the shore. great shots.

  14. That's a beauty!!!!

    Thanks for sharing this link at I'd Rather B Birdin' this weekend. Always appreciated!!

  15. Such a beautiful bird! Great shots!


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