Friday 22 August 2014

Water Vole

A bonus of birding means that you'll get to see lots of other wildlife while you are out in the field. At Sculthorpe Moor in Norfolk, underneath one of the feeding tables, there were literally thousands of sunflower seeds. While I was watching the table something caught my eye underneath. A movement of some sort. When I looked there was nothing there. It happened a couple more times before I finally saw what it was. A water vole was appearing from a camouflaged hole in the ground. In fact there were two. They were very timid and disappeared at the slightest noise or movement. Having said that, I managed a couple of shots.

So cute. I want one!


  1. They are adorable! They have much more cartoon-like dimensions than the House Mouse.

    I often find that if I pick a certain spot and just be still in it for 5 minutes, something interesting like this will come along.

  2. I've never seen one of these little creatures. They are cute!

  3. Oh so cute -- he looks like something out of Beatrix Potter. I want one too. Lovely shots and as you say a very nice birding bonus!

  4. What a cutie! I think they have tunnels under my yard but I have never seen them... Great shots, happy weekend!

  5. Cute shots ~ must be enjoying all those sunflower seeds ~ Great shots for CC

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  6. They are adorable, with those beady little eyes!

  7. Looks just like a house mouse.

  8. Oh my goodness these are cute. I've never seen one until now.


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