Thursday 7 August 2014

Tales of the Unexpected

Sometimes when you are out birding, you will come across something else that nature has to offer. Every now and again it trumps the birds that you went out to see. The other day this happened to me with the sighting of some Roe Deer.
It wasn't what I was expecting to see, but boy what a pleasure it was.

Mum and buck


  1. How wonderful to see these beautiful animals. I am off to Malawi tomorrow for 6 weeks so perhaps I will see them in the flesh.

  2. Gorgeous pictures and so wonderful animals :))
    Have a great weekend :)

  3. Oh they are so beautiful - lucky you!
    The deer in New Zealand hide in thick bush and forest!

  4. They are beautiful animals.. A great sighting too! Awesome photos! Thanks for linking up with my critter party! Enjoy your weekend!

  5. What a nice surprise for you beautiful they are.

  6. Wow! What a gift to see and great photography too!

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Such surprises are so sweet. Good that you could capture them in your lens. They too look surprised. :)

  8. so very beautiful. a great surprise for sure. the color is wonderful and the fur looks like silk! Happy Critter Day!


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