Sunday 27 July 2014

When the birds go quiet........

At this time of year, when things become a little quiet on the birding front, I turn my attention to the other things that may be flying around close by. Usually butterflies or dragonflies. Just recently the butterflies have been out in great numbers and I've had great enjoyment trying to find new ones and identifying them as they've fluttered by. Here are some of the more common ones on my local patch.


This is a Large Skipper. This is the first year I've ever seen one.

Small Tortoiseshells seem to be in there hundreds on my patch.

This is a Small White.


  1. I've been looking at butterflies this week so thanks for identifying some of them with such good photos.

  2. Stunning photos!! Such variety you have there.

  3. Beautifully captured. It's difficult to obtain clear pics of these pretty creatures because they are always fluttering ... you have done well. Bravo!

  4. I've been out hunting butterflies and dragonflies too!

  5. Absolutely gorgeous!!! I do hope you'll share with I Heart Marcro too:-)

  6. gorgeous captures of the butterflies! so lovely.

  7. You did a marvelous job of capturing the beauty of the butterflies.

  8. Such enchanting photos of the butterflies. Especially love the perspectives in the 3rd and last photos.

  9. amazing photos; how wonderful to see the variety of butterflies to photograph

  10. You used your time wisely Adam because you have some lovely looking butterfly pictures. Yes it is quiet for birds at the moment.

  11. I'm glad you have such beautiful butterflies to photograph. Lovely collection.

  12. Great shots, always enjoy butterfly photos.

  13. don´t think I have seen the Gatkeeper before. A gorgeous butterfly.

    I want to mention that I just reopened a meme I had earlier. NF Winged. A meme for every creature with wings. Butterlies, dragonflies, bees, what ever. :) You are welcome if you like. Next edition tomorrow. :)

  14. Gorgeous butterflies and photos!

  15. Yes, I do too. And it is my favorite time of the year.. Great collection of nature your way Adam.. Michelle from Nature Notes..

  16. Yes, it's time to watch butterfles! The first one is unfamiliar to me. Pretty!

  17. Excellent shots, I particularly liked the ones of the Small Tortoiseshell !!

  18. Gorgeous butterflies! There's always something interesting to see if you keep your eyes open.

  19. fabulous shots.So clear and in focus!! Love the ones with the thistle heads.

  20. thanks for linking up to NF Winged. :)

  21. Adam these are gorgeous photos! I feel a sense of peace and quiet looking at them.

  22. Gorgeous photos! Butterflies are so hard to capture on camera, you did a great job! The photos are clear and colourful, and very beautiful. Butterflies are so interesting with their unique patterns and colours!


I enjoy reading your comments as much as I enjoy taking the pictures. Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post.