Monday 7 July 2014

Spoonbill - Titchwell

Having never seen a Spoonbill until last September. I have seen at least one on each of my visits to Norfolk since. I wasn't necessarily looking for one this time, but always had my fingers crossed that one might turn up somewhere nearby. As luck would have it, I was in the right place at the right time when I went to Titchwell RSPB reserve, as one dropped in while I was there. Such a bizarre looking bird with its huge bill (it's perfectly named), but I think that's what adds to it's wonder for me.
It was, unfortunately, some distance away for the camera, but looked awesome through the binoculars.


  1. Good views of that unique bill.

  2. Wow! What beautiful shots of this fascinating bird for OWT ~ thanks, ^_^

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  3. Like you say Adam, an amazing looking bird. It's almost too exotic for East Anglia. I wouldn't mind shots like those!

  4. The spoonbill is a cool bird. Awesome sighting and photos. Have a happy week!

  5. That was a good spot. I have never seen one in the UK.

  6. You're right it is a bizarre looking bird, but great that you got some shots to share with us!

  7. I hope you were there long enough to watch it 'sweep' the water and just below the surface like they do. They're an awesome species. And great photos.

  8. Great shots of a very cool bird!

  9. Nice shooting Adam. Not something we see every day ... unfortunately.

  10. I've never seen one in the wild Adam... just at Chester Zoo.
    Plenty of reports of them in Cheshire though.

  11. I'm amazed by the shape of the spoonbill's beak. I have never seen one except in photos.

  12. Hello Adam!:) Many thanks for your visit last week. When I returned the visit, my comment didn't post, and the same thing happened just now. This is my second attempt to comment on your fabulous Spoonbill pics. I would love to see these unusual birds in the wild, and you did such a good job to capture this one. Fingers crossed, this will post.

  13. Greetings - as far as I know there were a flock of a about 10 of these birds at Holkham in Norfolk this week! Excited or what!!!

    Stewart M

  14. Gorgeous pic...had no idea there were spoonbills on your side of the pond. I thought the roseate spoonbills we see in Florida were the only ones there were in fact. Glad to learn differently and love the pic.

  15. A very interesting looking bird.

  16. Great that you were able to get the spoonbill.

  17. Great photos. I love our two species of local Spoonbills in Australia also - the bill is certainly facinating.

  18. Maybe it was beautiful spoonbill too far but you have to spend. Quite many details in your photos Beautiful bird that I really like to also see :-)

  19. That's lovely it is not a bird I have ever seen I don't think - have heard about them of course.


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