Friday 18 July 2014

Shoveler - Cley

In Norfolk a few weeks ago there were plenty of Shoveler on show. Their over sized bills are very fitting to it's name, as I'm sure you can see. 
There were quite a few aggressive males around, that seemed intent on chasing each other away in all directions. It then became quite apparent that there were some young around, and I felt more comfortable that this was not just blatant thuggery. They were being the dutiful parent that they should be.
Still, it gave me the opportunity to grab some great action shots.
The male in all his splendour.

Something was brewing between these guys.

You can just see the serrated teeth on this individual, along with his tongue.

An these were what it was all about. Some adorable Shoveler ducklings.


  1. Awesome shots of the Shoveler.. Happy Weekend!

  2. PS,Thank you so much for linking up to my critter party. Have a happy weekend!

  3. Lovely birds to see Adam.... fantastic images.

  4. Beautiful shots. I love the ducklings.

  5. Fantastic actions shots and love the little ducklings ~ great for SC ~ thanks, ^_^

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Your shots of the shoveler are amazing!

  7. Beautiful series of shots of the lovely bird.

  8. Fantastic series, Adam!

  9. The pictures are splendid, works of art.

  10. Those are great shots - those teeth look dangerous!

  11. great shots and I love those ducklings. :)

  12. such great action photos and I love their bills

  13. I can't say enough praise for these images!! They're all so spectacular!!!

    Thanks for linking up this weekend!!

  14. Those in action shots are brilliant Adam. Shovelers aren't easy to get pics of. Which bird is?

  15. Those in action shots are brilliant Adam. Shovelers aren't easy to ge pics of. Which birds are?

  16. Fantastic flight shots of the duck and I love the 2 duckling in the last shot. So cute

  17. Magnificent photos of the shovelers in all configurations! In nearly all my photos of them they have their heads under water.


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