Saturday 10 May 2014

Red-legged Partridge - Norfolk

When I was in Norfolk a few weeks ago I noticed quite a few Red-legged Partridge in and around the farms. I've come across them on my local patch, but it's usually been a fleeting glimpse as they scuttle away in the opposite direction. This time they seemed to be a little bolder and certainly not so quick to run away from me. I was driving early to Cley one morning, my camera was on the seat next to me with my bins, when I saw a pair scurrying around the undergrowth at the side of the road. There was nothing around, so I pulled over and grabbed the camera. Window down, I aimed the camera at them, fully expecting them to have disappeared. Not this time. In fact they were a bit too close. Shouldn't complain really. They gave me some lovely images, which allowed me to really appreciate this bird that so often is hot footing it in the other direction.

Just too close to get the full red legs in.


  1. Great bird Adam, and like you say we dont get to see them often enough around our area. Well done mate

  2. I travel to Manchester every morning via the lanes through Arley and High Legh and am dodging these little fellas al the time lol plus the pheasants. Lovely birds that make my commute to work not too bad.

  3. Great photos and a interesting species. A similar one the Rock Partridge was living near my area and is suspected to be extinct in Germany.

  4. What a cute partridge, wonderful photos.. Thank you for linking up with my critter party! Have a happy weekend!

  5. What a beautiful bird!

  6. Nice markings, and gosh are they plump! Great shots!

  7. Great find!! Boom & Gary of The Vermilon River.

  8. Incredibly beautiful!!! Such a's gorgeous.

    ---thanks for sharing your link this weekend.

  9. Beautiful birds :)
    Where we can see these birds :)
    Photos are fantastic !
    I invite you on my birdblog :


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