Thursday 22 May 2014

Macclesfield Forest

I've taken myself away to Macclesfield Forest a few times just recently. Such a peaceful place if you pick the right times of day. You can be left to yourself and nature for ages. The other night I ended up almost face to face with some red deer. That will serve me right for hiding myself away and waiting for things to come to me. They actually did. Always nice to see, but unusual to catch them out in the open.
I also managed to catch up with a family of Dippers. Two juveniles were out and about and looking quite healthy too.

Lovely Bluebells out in flower too.

Juvenile Dipper


  1. I love Dippers! I think I saw a documentary about them when I was a kid, and then seeing my first one in Wales a few years ago was wonderful.

    Great that you can sit still in nature and wait for the creatures to come to you. So many people I know charge on through the bush like it's a free treadmill and then complain that they don't see much wildlife!

  2. Nice shots of the dippers, but absolutely love the deer with the flowers in the background!

  3. I love the juvenile dippers, they're very cute.

  4. The Dipper is a cool bird. And the deer are pretty. Great collection! Thank you for sharing your post on Saturday's Critters.. Have a happy day!

  5. What a fantastic bird series!!!
    I enjoyed your post of the wild life.

    Thanks for linking up at the Bird D'Pot this weekend.

  6. Such interesting birds! I have seen only a few of them.


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