Thursday 17 April 2014

Nesting time at Titchwell

A lovely sign of Spring the other day. A pair of Long-tailed Tits working as a team to renovate a nest site in preparation for it to be used as a family home. Wedged between the fork of a tree, you can see one of them just peeping out. I think this is the female waiting for her husband (who's late) to hurry up with that nesting material.

And here he is now with some feathers to line the nest.

Passing them to the wife now, who'll no doubt do a better job than him of making it look nice.

A lovely pose for the camera, but off you go before you get shouted at.


  1. a lovely series; you were lucky to be in the right place, right time to capture these. A beautiful bird and a wonderful nesting site

  2. Wonderful sequence of shots.

  3. What a great sequence of the renovation work these birds are doing!

  4. Nice series. Interesting markings.

  5. How wonderful! Adorable little birds.

  6. I most certainly, definitely, enjoyed this series!!! The wonders of nature and such an attractive bird.

  7. They are adorable birds, what a neat sighting.. Seeing them working on their nest, great shots! Thank you for linking up to my critter party. Enjoy your weekend and Happy Easter!

  8. Great to have a nest so close.

  9. Such an impressive nest that it builds! Great photos, I like how it tells a story.

  10. Lovely captures, Have a Nice sunday Easter

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  11. Good shots Adam. The nest looks so exposed to predators like that but I guess they started it early in the Spring and there still isn't much vegetation growth.

  12. pretty nice blog, following :)

  13. Hi Adam Wonderful photos. very usual for them to make a nest in such an open area. Hope you had a great Easter.

  14. Oh, I DO love these. Thank you, Adam!


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