Friday 25 October 2013


One of the lovely dabbling ducks that multiply in numbers during the autumn and winter months is the Teal. The male has a lovely chestnut head and green eye patches, while the female is a little less exciting with a mottled brown colouration. Always a pleasure to see, although be warned they are quite flighty, so getting close is difficult.



  1. Beautiful, colorful bird/duck and terrific captures as always, Adam! Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. Wow, Adam, these are super. Such detailing you've managed to capture through the lens!!!

  3. Great shots. Their feathers have such bright and beautiful designs.

  4. I like the info that goes alongside your photos. I always think I will remember and be able to identify the various birds I see when out walking but alas no. I remain as ignorant asever.

  5. Such beautiful feather patterns.

  6. What a gorgeous duck! Lovely series here Adam.

  7. Gorgeous shots of the Green Teal!

  8. You have make beautiful photos!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  9. Those butterbutts posed so nicely. We usually see them on the water or sleeping on a distant shore.

  10. I just love teal.... fab shots Adam. See you soon mate!

    For other bloggers, Adam and myself live only a few miles apart but only ever seem to meet in a blog, we must do better :)

  11. This is one beautiful duck. I would love to see one up close and personal one day. Lovely.


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