Wednesday 9 October 2013

Great Skua

I managed to get out at the weekend with the intention of going to see some Manchester rarities, that luckily for me have stayed around for a while. The first to go and see was a Great Skua that had managed to find it's way inland and to a reservoir and seemed to have made itself comfortable. I'd been put off twice, as weather and traffic had meant I'd arrived too late to see anything. So, out early on Saturday, and as luck would have it, the sun was shining too.
A cracking bird to see, and not one I'm likely to ever get this close to again.


  1. Beautiful bird and terrific captures. Thank you for sharing!

  2. an interesting new bird to me; and great photos!

  3. How beautiful your shots of the Skua are ... he is unique in coloring and the flight shots are amazing. Good that you made it out to see him while you could. Thank you for sharing ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  4. Wonderfull birds and shots

    Have a nice day, greeting from Belgium
    Blog seniorennet.Be Louisette Blog

  5. Fantastic!! I was so petrified of skuas when working in Antarctica, they are quite menacing when protecting their nests!


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