Wednesday 25 September 2013

Spoonbill - Titchwell Norfolk

A bird that seems to be around the Norfolk coast more and more frequently is the Spoonbill. That being said, I'd only ever seen one before, and that was quite distant and I didn't even get to see it's bill as it was asleep with it's back to me. So I didn't actually count this one.
This time however, I had a lovely flyby on a couple of occasions. At first I thought it was a Little Egret, but it was a bit chunkier. I was thrilled to watch as it came back the second time almost directly overhead. And this time it's spoon bill was there for all to see.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful flight shots. We have the roseate spoonbill (when were in Florida). I didn't know until now that there was a white one. Great to know.


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