Tuesday 9 October 2012

There once was an ugly duckling....

I came across a family of Swans recently. One parent and four almost fully grown juveniles. It was a calm morning as they drifted over the still water. A touch of mist had suspended itself over the lake and I felt as though I had my own private viewing of these birds. I try to get out before the dog walkers. It's always a lot easier to see things at first light and before they've been scared into the centre of the lake.


  1. these are awesome! rather dreamy in the early morning light/mist!

  2. Cool shots of the swans. Looks like they like to put on a show too. Great captures.

  3. Fantastic captures, Adam, as always! I love the swans and the early light! Beautiful!

  4. Beautiful birds and setting!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  5. Nice one Gary. I bet you set the alarm extra early to dodge the doggy brigade.

  6. I really like the pictures with the adult stretching it's wings. From Findlay

  7. you were certainly in the right spot, at the right time Adam (again). Full marks for your early starts and these photographs are TOPS! Each one is spectacular.

  8. Lovely images Adam.... a peaceful scene.

  9. They'll be even more lovely in just a few months!

  10. Adam, these images take my breath away....the soft misty light and the beautiful, graceful ---and quite royal birds just tops it all off. Majestic.

  11. # 3 and 4, perfect timing!! i love the magical mist!!

  12. Beautiful photos with the mist and the reflections.

  13. Beautiful shots! The mist/fog over the water is fantastic!

  14. Beautiful views of these graceful birds through the morning fog.

  15. Incredible photos of the Swans Adam! I think the mist gives the viewer a real feeling of being alone with these beautiful birds.

  16. Wonderful photos, showing their grace and the behavior of the babies (cygnets?)... would love to see them; such a misty beautiful spot.

  17. I cannot imagine a more magical scene than this. Just magnificent images and you were so blessed to be in their presence with the fog rising...wow~

  18. Very nice misty light - I think it adds to the paleness of these birds.

    Thanks for linking up with WBW.

    Stewart M - Australia

  19. I recognise that Lake :) PP

    Lovely images Adam

  20. I recently had encountered a trumpeter swan when on kayak on a little river.. it was most exciting, and I managed to catch some fair photos of it as it took flight in front of me. Hope to post those very soon.
    Thanks for the comment on my blog, much appreciated. And looking forward to following along with yours, as well! Great content here!


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