Tuesday 30 October 2012

Let me out, please!

I've not been able to get out this weekend, and it's done my head in a bit. I only need a few hours at the weekend to satisfy my need to see some birds. So to cheer me up, I've gone back to some pictures taken on holiday in North Wales in the Summer. This bird is the Common Redshank and was along the shoreline one morning minding it's own business and looking for food.

Seen here with a Black-headed Gull for size comparison.


  1. I saw my first Red Shank a few weeks ago and that was in North Wales. It was wading along the estuary next to RSBP Conwy. Your pictures of it are brilliant, mine were a bit blurry as it was so far away. From Findlay

  2. Great photos of the Common Redshank. We don't see them down where I live in Australia but we do see the Common Greenshank.

  3. Nice shots of this cute bird ! Thank you for visiting and for loving Waxwing ;)

  4. Love the white ring around its eye ---Fantastic images of a great bird!!!

  5. I have never seen a redshank untill now , very long toe,s


  6. A cute little thing, glad you showed the comparison of the sizes. Great shots!

  7. Nice shots! I thought the bird was much bigger until I saw the last picture!
    Greetings Pia

  8. Great photos of the Red shank! never seen one in real.../Susanne

  9. The Common Redshank is quite an elegant small bird. Wonderful colour on the legs.
    I know the feeling of itching to get out when life has prevented it for a few days. Photos are at least some compensation.

  10. Fantastic photos of the Redshank! Nice job!

  11. Love the redshank and the size comparison photo is helpful! Hope you're just busy and not a worse reason to have to stay indoors.

  12. Lovely shots. I'm glad you posted the comparison. And I hope you get out to get more photos soon!

  13. I like his bright orange legs. There's quite a difference in size compared to the gull. He almost seems brave wading past the big guy.
    Hope the upcoming weekend provides you with some time for bird watching. :)
    Lovely shots!

  14. Excellent photos of this shorebird Adam! I hope you get out to enjoy and share some more birds soon!

  15. Very good shots Adam because Redshanks can be so easily spooked, often just as I lift the camera.

  16. Nice set of pictures - I get a bit stir crazy if I cant get out too. Happens in the summer more often here - 100 degree days keep you in the house!

    Stewart M - Australia

  17. Wow, I am glad that you showed the size comparisons with the gull. These are splendid images and oh I do know what you mean about getting out...have to, every day~

  18. Great shots, Adam! Yes, not being able to get out often can make you crazy. Just ask my wife!! (No, don't. She'll say I've always been like this.) Hope you're able to get out there soon!

    - Wally (Florida, USA)

  19. These are really nice shots of a cute little shorebird.

  20. It sounds like you need to get out in nature to clear your head. I'm that way too. Living in the city that may just mean a walk where there are flowers, birds and nice greenery. Fortunately I live in a city with a lot of greenery and natural beauty all around.

  21. Oops, I meant to say I do love your photos.

  22. Not able to get out! I would get cabin fever real quick but as long as you have the web you can roam the whole world.

  23. Lovely photos, hope you are able to get out to get your bird fix soon.


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