Tuesday 31 July 2012


I came across a small family of Stonechat some weeks back while up at Danebower Quarry. Two adults and three juveniles on that occasion. Last week I made a return visit, where I quickly found both adults but only one juvenile. It could well be that the others were hiding in the bracken, just as the one I saw soon did. You can't mistake that "chat" call that they make. It's like a clicking noise and pretty loud for the size of the bird.
The male is a really handsome beast. It has a lovely black head and orange chest, while the female has a brown head and a tinge of orange on the chest. They posed really nicely for here and the light wasn't too bad either.

The female with a nice juicy caterpillar for the little one.


  1. I really wish I could see a Stonechat. I did see a Windchat once at the coast.

  2. Superb images Adam... lovely little birds to see.

  3. Great series!! They're beautiful. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  4. What a darling family! That one with the worm is just priceless. I'd love to see them someday and hear their loud call, but in the meantime, you've given me a great look at them.

  5. Great photos of beautiful birds.

  6. Pretty bird, the male is gorgeous. Great shots.

  7. The males are the most pretty usually..all the better to attract the girls.. Lovely photos..Michelle

  8. Beautiful birds and Great photos

  9. that´s a sweet little bird. It differs a bit from what I am used to see. I hope all juveniles made it to adulthood. :)

  10. WoW, amazing close ups with so much detail. they are adorable little birds!!

  11. Wow, these are beautiful images! As much as the birds themselves, I like the soft green backgrounds. Great photography.

  12. You are right that the stonechat are beautiful birds, and your photography does them justice. Perfect light, as you say, and a very interesting post.

  13. Great pictures you show of some beautiful birds.

  14. Oh they are lovely! Great photos of them!! /Susanne

  15. Splendid little birds - I saw a par of these on my last day of birding as a UK resident! That was almost 20 years ago.

    Nice pictures.

    Stewart M - Australia

    PS: Team UK has just won it first golf medal!

  16. Beautiful little bird and very good shots ! Have a nice day !
    Greetings from Liva :-)

  17. What a beautiful bird! Your pictures are great.

  18. Gorgeous shots of the Stonechat Adam! That last photo of the female is perfect!

  19. Love the colour of their breasts in combination with the colours of their other feathers. I hope they are as sweet as they appear to be. LOVE that tasty-looking worm. :)


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