Saturday 14 July 2012

Little Egret

A bird that was quite plentiful in Norfolk was the Little Egret, and it has been on the increase in the UK for a number of years now. Several hundred years ago it was believed to have been quite common here but either through climate change or hunting it became extinct. They are making a good come back at present, and hopefully we will see a lot more of them in our wetland areas in the coming years. Hopefully more of them will make their way a little further north to the Greater Manchester/Cheshire areas.


  1. they're a delightful waterbird and you've some wonderful captures here

  2. Gorgeous shots, Adam! Nice flight photos! I like the all white plumage. We don't see that often here in Kentucky, except on swans and ducks.

  3. i love egrets. beautiful shots. :)

  4. Hi there - nice pictures. I saw my first one of these in Devon, about 25 years ago. I thought my head was going to explode!

    I have just come back from a week in Northern Australia - I saw a roost of Cattle Egrets - there must have been close to 3000 birds there! Got rather excited again!

    Stewart M - Australia

    1. Great birds! i'd love to see one Cattle Egret. I think I'd explode if I saw 3000.

  5.'ve managed to capture these graceful egrets in their prime flight!!!

    Just wanted you to know that I added a linky to my newest bird photos today. If you'd care to stop by and leave a link. And perhaps if you know of anyone who loves birding--let them know of the new birding meme I set up for a weekly run---The Bird D'Pot. Stop by if you can. And have a glorious week.

    I'd Rather B Birdin'

  6. Lovely images of a beautiful bird Adam... I managed a small video clip of a family of them at Moore Nature Reserve in 2010.

  7. Wonderful captures of a very special bird, one I always excited to see!!


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