Tuesday 24 October 2023

Cattle Egret

I'd not seen a Cattle Egret over the last two years, and they are always a bird that I have to make a special trip out to see. So when reports of one, and then two, turning up in a cattle field just 15 minutes down the road came through on the local Whatsapp group I had to make the after work dash.

Both were still in the field busy following the herd and picking off flies and insects as they moved. One appeared to have an injury, as it was hopping and flapping each time it moved. Hopefully it is ok and manages to heal itself. Great little birds to watch, and one that completed the set of Great White Egret, Little Egret and Cattle Egret for the year. 


  1. Lovely photos of the Cattle Egret. They looks so small compared to the cattle. They are very beautiful.

  2. ...they are fun to see. The First one that I remember seeing was in Maui and it was sitting on a cow's back.

  3. The contrast between the two is stark and wonderful.

  4. Nice shots of a bird that I have not seen for at least ten years. Take care.

  5. These are beautiful photos of the cattle egret Adam.
    I think the photo with the cow and the cattle egret is great.
    Greetings Irma

  6. I love these photos of the Cattle Egrets, the blackbirds and the cow! Thank you for linking up and sharing your critter post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  7. Hello :=)
    There are a lot of Cattle Egrets in the south of Portugal, that I have posted about, but I have yet to see one in the north. Great captures of the Cattle Egret with the cow and crows.
    Enjoy your weekend
    All the best

  8. Thanks for the two hour tip Adam. I too like Cattle Egrets and look forward to seeing them here or abroad.

  9. Crows seem to be the bird of the day — several of the critter posts have featured them, but interestingly, they represent different crow species from around the world. Nice contrast of black and white birds in your photos.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  10. What beautiful photos, well done!

  11. I haven't seen one in years. You got some good shots.

  12. It's fun to go searching for birds and even better when we find them. We have a lot of these egrets here with the cows and horses.

  13. excellent shots.....
    love to see egrets..

  14. Beautiful photos. It's amazing how animals sometimes work together.


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