Wednesday 10 May 2023

Barn Owl

This Barn Owl has been around for some time close to home. It likes to do a circuit or two of it's favourite field and then disappear for a while. For a large bird it is quite surprising how well they can conceal themselves in grass. It's a real joy to watch in any sort of weather, but when the sun comes out in the late evening it just lights up the sky with it's flight.

Barn Owl


  1. Hi Adam,
    This is a beautiful series of photos of the short-eared owl.
    Nice light you have here too.
    Greetings Irma

  2. Nice! Although I have seen the species a number of times, it was either too dark for decent photos or they were flying away from me.

  3. WOW! The photos are AMAZING! 👍👍
    Have a great weekend, Adam

  4. Fantastic photos of the barn owl.

  5. we saw this owl in our neighborhood.... cute critter.
    excellent captures

  6. Wonderful shots. They have such interesting faces.

  7. It looks so different in flight. We have the image in our minds of it on a limb that it's neat to see these photos!

  8. Nice shots, Adam. In some ways Barn Owl is a bit of a nemesis for me. I have seem them in the United States, Cuba, Australia, the UK and South Africa, but most perched quietly and roosting during the day. I would be thrilled to witness them beginning to hunt as twilight arrives. The birds I have seen in flight were flying away!

  9. Hello Adam :=)
    Captivating images of the beautiful Barn Owl. Well done, this series is wonderful.
    All the best.

  10. Hi Adam, Really, really love these shots of the Barn Owl. As compared to most birds, the owls sure have a different body type. So nice to catch them in flight. Thanks for sharing this post. John

  11. Your shots are stunning, I'm feeling in awe!
    It's not easy to catch a Barn Owl and to have the chance to see him with definition, thank you for sharing such Wonder!
    Have a great week
    X Daniela @ ~ My little old world ~

  12. Hello,
    Wow, awesome sighting of the Barn Owl. Great series of flight captures. Sorry, I am late commenting! Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and the rest of the week!

  13. Amazingly graceful. I hear that owls are very silent in flight.


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