Thursday 6 April 2023

Purple Sandpiper

On my winter visits to Norfolk, I will always seek out the Purple Sandpiper. It's a real favourite of mine and not that easy to spot. The rocks along the Sheringham shore are the perfect location to find them though and they are regular here through the winter months, you just need to be patient and be prepared to have a proper look for them. Timing can be crucial. High tide is the best time, as this pushes them closer in and they will look to rest up and sleep if they can. As soon as that tide turns they like to get up and carry on looking for food. 

Their location at Sheringham means you can look down on them on the rocks below. This gives you a good view and you can appreciate the plumage against the rocks and how well camouflaged they are. Lovely looking birds, and ones that I will be looking out for again as winter comes round.


  1. A species I have not seen in a very long time.

  2. Hari OM
    If I ever get back to Sheringham (delightful spot), I now have something to search for! YAM xx

  3. Beautiful photos of the purple sandpiper.
    I've never seen this species.
    Greetings Irma

  4. The Purple Sandpiper is one of my favorite shorebirds, very cute. Great photos.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post! Take care, have a happy weekend!

  5. ...the shot of its open wings is fabulous.

  6. Very beautiful photos of this gorgeous bird! I like the last photo best!

  7. You got some great shots as usual.

  8. I really like that second shot


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