Thursday 2 March 2023

A little bit of sunshine.

A trip to Redesmere last week turned up some very good numbers of water birds. For once the sun broke through the clouds and made viewing much easier than on a dull day. I counted 19 Goosander, of which a good number were males. The green heads of the males looked stunning through the binoculars.

Alongside the Goosander were a few Goldeneye. Numbers have started to dwindle in recent weeks, and I suspect very soon I will turn up and they will all have left until next Autumn, so I am making the most of them while they're here.

Female Goosander coming in for a landing.

A few of the males, looking splendid.

Distant shot of (left to right) Grey Heron, Goosander and a Goldeneye.

I moved down the road to Lapwing Lane to see what was around, and the female Smew was still showing, and very well this time. With it being a little closer and some better light I was able to get something a bit better than my previous grainy efforts. This too, will soon be departing for the winter.


  1. They are so beautiful. I like them all.

  2. I enjoyed seeing the golden eyes.

  3. Beautiful photos Adam.
    Especially photo four and five.
    Greetings Irma

  4. Goosander is called Common Merganser here as you probably know, Adam, and it is a common species in the winter, with a few pairs even breeding locally. Such a handsome bird, but the prize for me would have been the Smew - even a female! Spring is slowly coming here and with it the first early migrants. Yippee!

  5. Hello,
    Great captures of the Goosanders. I have been seeing them every day around my area. The Snew would be new to be, it is so cute. Great photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend!

  6. I like seeing unusual things what is next to the Heron. It looks like a critter too!

  7. You had a successful day seeing good birds.

  8. Beautiful captures, especially like the flight one!

  9. Hell Adam :=)
    I enjoyed seeing all the birds you photographed. Lovely shots of all the birds. I especially like the Goosander, it is a sweet looking bird, and I also enjoyed the landing shot.
    All the best.


I enjoy reading your comments as much as I enjoy taking the pictures. Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post.