Friday 11 November 2022

Lesser Yellowlegs - Marshside

A rare visitor from North America found it's way across the pond recently. The Lesser Yellowlegs is a great looking wader, and yes it does have yellow legs, as you can see below. A new lifer for me too. I was grateful for the very good light on the day I saw it and really enjoyed watching it work it's way around Crossens inner marsh on the North West coast. A cracking bird.


  1. Hello,
    I am glad this Lesser Yellowlegs made it safely across the big pond. Your photos are just beautiful, great sighting! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  2. Your photos are spectacular and I love seeing the reflections in the water.

  3. Such great shots of this sweet bird.

  4. A Common Redshank would cause the same level of excitement here. Lesser Yellowlegs is one of our most common shorebirds.


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