Friday 29 July 2022

Reasons to be Outside

Early Summer was great for welcoming back our migrant birds. Areas of the Peak District in particular for me are a great place to go and find them. On a warm June morning you should be able to pick out the calls of Common Redstart, Tree Pipit, Common Sandpiper and Pied Flycatcher. Of course, that does require you to be in the right area, and it's not always guaranteed. They can be there, and just not singing or calling. Or more commonly they're spending their time at the top of the canopy looking for insects. Add in the fact that the leaves are now out to make it even more difficult to spot. It does mean that I spend more time out looking than I would normally, especially if I've not been successful. Not that I'm complaining. Outdoors is when I like to be most.

Male Common Redstart

Tree Pipit

Willow Warbler with food for the young


  1. Hello,
    Looks like a great outings, the Common Redstart is a beauty. Great birds and photos.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  2. I'm the same way...I love being outdoors! And you don't always see something unless it sings or moves. You took some beautiful photos and enjoyed yourself! Life is good!

  3. Those were good sightings and the photos turned out beautiful too.

  4. I would rather be outdoors also. Very nice bird photos.

  5. Wow... wonderful scenes. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Love the colors of the tree pipit!
    Thanks for sharing at


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