Friday 8 May 2020

Lockdown Birding

I've managed to connect with a few summer migrants recently when on my daily bike ride. Only having binoculars on my back (in a rucksack) means I've not taken any pictures, so these are from last year and a similar time.

I was delighted to find some Wheatears on my local patch. I really thought that I might miss seeing these birds this year. Over the course of a week, there were up to 3 birds present. I think some may have moved on quite quickly, to be replaced by others, but it was great to be able to stop and watch them hopping around. Some of the females looked to be of Greenland race. Quite a bit stockier and darker in colour. Great looking birds and one I always look forward to welcoming back from migration.

Male Wheatear

A bit further down the road, and I could hear a Common Whitethroat singing. It took me a while to locate, but I knew it was there. It did eventually show itself at the top of a tree, where I like to see them. Great to have them back in the country. Hopefully I'll get to see them lots more on my rides and walks.


  1. I am really missing singing willow warbler and I fear I am not going to get one. There are none near me where I walk and I would have to make a non essential journey to get one. To me they are more of a spring herald than swallow and I miss their song.

    1. The same Derek. It wasn't until this year I realised how much I do miss them. I took them for granted before, when I'd hear them most days.

  2. Hello,

    They are both beautiful birds. Pretty series and sightings! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend. PS, thank you for the visit and comment.

  3. It's good that your are getting out and about Adam, despite the lockdown. There's nothing wrong with using last year's pictures to illustarte your points and to describe your birding.

  4. Have a nice spring, Adam, full of captures!
    The Wheatears are really beautiful.

  5. ALthough I have seen wheatears elsewhere, this makes me realize how little birding I have done in England. Well, I hope it’s not too late!

    be well... mae at

  6. Looks like a thorny perch! What beautiful birds and a great time to get out with our cameras! Happy weekend!

  7. Great shots, Adam. I remember many years ago finding a Northern Wheatear while visiting the RSPB Reserve at Conwy in Wales, and I thought I had a rarity. The ho hum response of the naturalist I reported it to quickly made me realize I had not! Still a great bird to find though.

  8. ...the Wheatear is a beauty and one that is new to me! Thanks for sharing!

  9. I've never seen a wheatear. Very pretty!

  10. Is the first time I see a Wheatear! I don't know this bird at all!
    Very beautiful pictures! Thank you for visiting!
    Have a nice Sunday!

  11. Why not use photos from previous bike/birding treks? I'm lovin' it all. Your photos are so cheerful. I bet it feels good to get out in the air after weeks of lockdown!
    Your sharing today is much appreciated. Thank you for linking in!

  12. Beautiful birds!
    Have a blessed day!

  13. Beautiful photos of the Wheatear and the Common Whitethroat.
    I enjoyed it.
    Best regards Irma

  14. pretty birds, wonderful is nice to rummage through the archives. this time, last year, was so very different!!!

  15. Always excellent photography of our feathered friends ~ thanks ^_^

    Be Well, Happy Mother's Day
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. Great photos!
    Thank you for sharing at

  17. Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos! Have a wonderful week!

  18. Cute little birds. I can see the whitethroat singing in the 2nd last photo!

  19. Oh my goodness, how sweet! Thank you for sharing!

  20. Bike rides and walks are so important right now to not feel isolated. - Margy

  21. Beautiful pictures of these small perchers ... and I’m glad you saw them again. Actually, I’m glad you’re able to get outside at all. I try to walk every day and that helps.

  22. Beautiful photos of beautiful birds. Sounds like you had a good time birding and biking. I heard a woodpecker in the area behind my house this morning, but when I finally saw him, he decided to fly away. That's okay. I enjoyed seeing the flash of his red head.

  23. wonderful photos with the Birds. Very nice scenen!

  24. I have not seen much birds arriving but the wheatear is here. So far I have not seen any female. I hope they will arrive. :)

  25. Wonderful photos! I have woken very early a few times lately and the dawn chorus has been a real treat!

  26. Hi Adam, beautiful photos of this beautiful birds. Sometimes we have them too. Greetings Caroline


I enjoy reading your comments as much as I enjoy taking the pictures. Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post.