Friday 22 May 2020

A Bumper Day

I went a little further afield last weekend, as we are now allowed to do. The weather was set to be sunny pretty much from the off, so I headed to my favourite of places close to Macclesfield Forest. I was there nice and early, so as to beat any walkers or cyclists. I stopped off at a few points on the way, where I knew I wouldn't even need to leave the car to see things.
One of these places had me watching a pair of Crossbills drinking from a puddle at the side of the road. A great start!

I moved on and parked at an area I have been to often. The area has Dipper and Grey Wagtail on the river nearby most of the year. You can add another half a dozen species or more at this time of year though. With Swallows, House Martins, Willow Warbler, Blackcap and Chiffchaff to name a few. I was lucky enough to hear and see a Common Redstart just behind me, and on a short walk I picked out a lovely male Pied Flycatcher. A Cuckoo was calling not far away, but it never revealed itself, much to my annoyance. It sounded so close too.

Male Redstart making sure he's heard high up.

Male Pied Flycatcher, again high up and too far away.

I did find, (and I really wasn't expecting to) a pair of Spotted Flycatchers. They were likely to be new in to the area, and they were busy doing what Flycatchers do, but also perching nicely now and again. I kept my eye on them and I think they were checking possible residences, which would be great news. They made my early morning get more than worhtwhile.

The pair together.


  1. Hello. Spotted flycather is so small and beautiful bird. Have a nice weekend.

  2. Great and fascinating the bird world with you and sometimes I feel the same, I hear it sing so close and yet the bird is hidden. I wait and wait and yet nothing happens
    I wish you a nice weekend take care and stay healthy
    Greetings Elke

  3. Lovely small birds, they are common in Finland too.
    Have a sunny weekend!

  4. Good that you found the Spotted Flycatchers together like that Adam. You should be able to find the nest soon and get pictures of the adults feeding the young.

    The mole display I believe is old tradition. The mole catcher showing his prowess and to prove how many he'd caught. Paid by results.

  5. Hello, looks like a great area for birdwatching. I like the pretty Spotted Flycatchers. Wonderful series of photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend! PS, your visit and comment are very much appreciated.

  6. Happy little family!
    They are so cute!
    Enjoy your weekend and thanks for visiting!

  7. Hi Adam, nice birds, beautiful. I love the flycatchers, I never saw them. Have a nice weekend. Greetings Caroline

  8. Hi,
    thanks for sharing your walk..the flycatchers are so small. I thought they would be bigger. Have a great day!

  9. ...Adam, you saw and captured some lovely birds. Thanks for sharing, I haven't been out much.

  10. You had some neat sightings! And how nice to get the Flycatchers together! Enjoy your weekend!

  11. Nice captures of some beautiful birds.
    Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend.

  12. Great bird sightings, thanks for sharing them.

  13. Sweet pair of Flycatchers. We don't have that one but several different Flycatchers but to my knowledge I have never seen one.

  14. Beautiful series of photos of the different birds.
    Photos 4, 5 and 6 are my favorite.
    Best regards Irma

  15. Fruitful sighting of birds. Nice to be able to venture further to enjoy the birds and nature.

  16. Seeing an unexpected beauty like the flycatcher is always a big plus. You did good capturing their personalities! It's so nice to be able to get out & go birding again!
    Thanks for joining us at I'd Rather B Birdin this week

  17. What an amazing time, to be outdoors birding! Thanks for visiting!

  18. beautiful little birds, you images are lovely!!!

  19. You have some remarkable birds in your world, some I've never seen before. What a lovely post. And thanks so much for your visit to Marmelade Gypsy.

  20. magnificent 'feathered friend' photos ~ You are a true 'birdwatcher/photographer'

    Be Safe, Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  21. I love your images of the flycatchers. I think I glimpsed a female the other day so they should be here. :)

  22. Nice that you are able to spread your wings a bit. Nice flycatchers!

  23. Glad you're able to go further, I always enjoy a walk with you

  24. Hoping you have a lovely day, and thank you for sharing at

  25. Sch sweet little birds--they are very entertaining to see

  26. Wonderful photo! I wish I had the patience to take photos of birds. Have a wonderful week!

  27. Lovely photos. The flycatchers are cute.

  28. Love the fascinating series of photos!

    Happy Tuesday!

  29. Really nice to get the pair of flycatchers! I’m glad you are able to get out and about more. Birding like you do it should be a pretty good way to keep social distance I would think.

  30. What lovely birds! They maybe tiny but what tremendous joy they bring with their sighting.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. What lovely birds! They maybe tiny but what tremendous joy they bring with their sighting.

  33. It's good you can get out birding more. - Margy


I enjoy reading your comments as much as I enjoy taking the pictures. Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post.