Thursday 2 February 2023

Water Rail - Elton Reservoir

One of my hardest to find birds each year is the Water Rail. The winter months are the best time to spot them, as the cold weather draws them out from their secretive reed bed homes, but they certainly don't make it easy for you, or give you a free ride. Sometimes you'll hear their squeal like calls, but never set eyes on them, and on other occasions you'll get the briefest of flights from one bed to another. Every now and again though they stay out in the open a little longer to give a good view. Make the most of it, as you don't know when you might get as good a view.
This one was seen at Elton Reservoir along the canal. Unfortunately the sun was in the wrong position, but beggars can't be choosers. A cracking bird to watch.

Perfectly camouflaged against the reeds .


  1. Good spotting through these frozen leaves and branches

  2. Hello Adam: There are few rails that are easy to see! With Water Rail, however, you could forgive me for coming to the opposite conclusion. On my last visit to the UK I visited Rutland Waters Nature Reserve a couple of times and on both occasions a Water Rail was promenading around in front of the hide. Sometimes you get lucky!

  3. Hello Adam,:=) You did well to photograph the Water Rail, which is not easy to do, especially in that kind of reed vegetation along the canal.
    My best wishes.

  4. It was not easy to see the bird in the reeds. Well done!

  5. Great sighting of the rail, they tend to hide or blend in very well. Wonderful photos.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  6. You got decent photos of the rail despite the difficulty.

  7. Beggars can't be choosers ;-) I know what you mean Adam, but I think you're far from a beggar. You managed to take good photos despite the difficult conditions. The Water Rail is camouflaged really well - congratulations on spotting it and thanks for showing!
    Happy weekend!

  8. They sure know how to hide in their environment. I'm glad you got to see them and take the photos! Great looking bird!

  9. You did well to spot it and to get some good shots.

  10. Awesome captures of the rail, Adam!
    Such a magnificent bird!

  11. Canal at Elton two years ago I was watching a lapwing in the reeds when a water rail walked across behind it - happy days! Have looked for them since, but no joy.

  12. So true. Rails can be maddingly difficult to see and photograph, as your "Where's Waldo" shots confirm. I saw our Yellow Rail only once and listened and looked for the Black Rail without success. The calls of the Virginia Rail and Sora seem to be ventriloquial.


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