Sunday 15 May 2016

Roding Valley Meadows Nature Reserve

It's a good time for birds all over the country at the moment and Loughton in Essex is no different. The Spring and Summer migrants are back in now and bird song and activity is at its peak.
Around the lake at Roding Valley Meadows Nature Reserve there is a real cacophony of noise. Reed Warblers are in a couple of locations churring away. Blackcaps, Whitethroats and Chiffchaffs are all in competition and then you can here the yaffle of the Green Woodpecker in the background. Every now again you can get the whistle like call of the Kingfisher as it shoots along the River Roding, usually low and out of sight. A special time of year to take a walk.

Reed Warbler.

Common Whitethroat.

Young Mallards.


  1. Sweet and lovely little birds.

  2. Hello, the Reed Warbler is lovely. Cute shots of the ducklings. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  3. Great shots! That Reed Warbler is so sweet!

  4. I do love babies and wonderful photos Adam....Michelle

  5. Those mallards are so pretty!


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