Tuesday 29 September 2015

Gulling by Numbers

On a quiet day at Elton reservoir where there didn't seem to be an awful lot happening on the bird front, I took to playing a game. Match the gull to the number painted on the buoy. There are lots of these markers on the reservoir. I think they are for the sailing club to use, but not 100% sure about that. Anyway, Elton is a very good place for gulls, and I thought I'd see what we had out there, on what was a grey day.

In at number 9 is a nice looking Common Gull.

At 8 we have a Lesser black-backed Gull and juvenile.

At 6, a sleepy Black-headed Gull.

And finally at 3, another Black-headed Gull. It gave me something to do on my way round the reservoir. I'm sure there will be a rarity along very soon.


  1. Love the shots of the gull balancing on the buoy!
    Thanks for linking up at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2015/09/shake-those-tail-feathers.html

  2. It's nice that the gulls have these buoys on which to rest. I wonder if they have made a game out of the numbers? Nice shots Adam...

  3. Gorgeous! I think they like the view :)

  4. How fun! That juvenile is pretty! I agree with #6, those gray days are made for naps.

  5. Great images Adam! What a great way to make an otherwise boring trip (birdwise) more enjoyable!

  6. Lovely photos of the gulls. They're handsome birds.

  7. very nice gulls. One buoy for one gull.

  8. I would be handy if rarities would sit on buoys with numbers on them - it would finding them so much easier!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne


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