Sunday 29 March 2015

Great Grey Shrike - Beeley Moor

I've been chasing this species all over the UK in the past couple of years. For one reason or another, somehow, I've missed it on each occasion. I did hear it's call one once in Norfolk, but that's not good enough to say you've seen it. So, I've been close a couple of times and I have to say I wasn't particularly confident about seeing this particular bird this morning. It has been widely reported in the Beeley Moor area in Derbyshire for some months, and there has been at least one bird here for a few years over winter.
The forecast was not good and the clocks went forward too, so an hour less sleep, but I was so fed up with yesterdays disappointing birding day, I thought sod it I'm going. It was still dark and there was only me on the road for a lot of the way.
7.30am and I was in position. Then the rain came. More than an hour later there it was, sat right next to my car. So up came the camera, and here's what I got. I want to improve on these images at some point. Some sunshine would be a good starter, but these will do as record shots of my first ever Great Grey Shrike.

Grainy image, but really shows of that killer bill.

You can see the rain slanting in from left to right here, but composition is a little better.


  1. shrike is a bird I really like the look of :)

    Second last shot is stunning :)

  2. It is perhaps a little grainy but I find this shrike is very nice on it. I'm even a little jealous of this picture; s because I've never been able to capture a shrike.

  3. How similar this Great Grey Shrike is to the Lesser Grey Shrike we sighted in Tanzania last summer. Thanks for sharing. Jo

  4. I used to see them at my Grandma's in North Wales in the February half term holidays but not for the last two tears, so I really enjoyed your pictures.

  5. Wonderful birds and amazing pictures !!

  6. The shrike is a cool bird! Great sighting and photos!

  7. The last two shots are excellent.

  8. Beautiful bird and photography!

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  9. what a pretty bird pleased you got your shots :)

  10. Handsome bird - and one worth the chase! :)

  11. I love his colours, but you're right the grey skies with a grey bird is a lot of grey. He is gorgeous. It's always awesome when you finally get a shot of that elusive bird.

  12. Such pretty shots.

  13. So pleased you have finally seen this bird in the Uk and mangaged decent shots of it.

  14. he's beautiful! i think i may have seen a shrike here this week, but all i have for proof is a crappy cell phone shot. :)

  15. What a beautiful little bird!

  16. I think you did well under the less than stellar circumstances. I particularly like the third shot. The shape of the beak is really well defined in the first one.
    Nice captures of your elusive bird!

  17. Beautiful bird.... and wonderful pictures. :)

  18. Can't say I've ever heard of this bird, but he's a cute little thing.

  19. The Gl Gang say - We love popping over to your site from #animaltales You always have such amazing posts. The kids love looking at your photos and it has sparked a real interest in them. So pleased you managed to get shots of your elusive bird :) #animaltales

  20. What a sweet little bird!

  21. This is a species that is well worth the chase. I am always delighted when I come across one but getting a decent picture is another matter entirely.

  22. Beautiful bird and lovely of it to show for you (neither of you could control the weather)) and I think the pics are fine...I can imagine being able to ID it if I were ever so lucky to see it in person now that I've seen your photos.

  23. I'm glad you were able to get the photos even if the weather wasn't perfect. Love the hook on the bill. Michelle

  24. Lucky you - this is one I have never seen. Beautiful bird and I am so glad the early start was worthwhile.

    Many thanks for adding this rarity to #AnimalTales


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