Monday 4 August 2014

Green Sandpiper

A sure sign that Summer is drawing to a close is the return of the waders. As much as I love the Spring and the incoming migrants from Africa, the close of Summer brings passage migrants on their way back home. Waders are quite possibly my favourite type of bird, so it was great to once again catch up with some Green Sandpipers on Sunday. Four of them in fact. They were asleep at first, but then became more active and went foraging for food. They came quite close to the hide, but not close enough for my liking. I'd like to get out there and cuddle them. I'll have to make do with these shots for now.


  1. I am eagerly waiting for fall migration and the return of some of my favorite birds. Nice shots!

  2. Great sight and photos, I like the waders too, at the moment we some few birds in the area.

  3. I like the Waders too. I have to catch them passing thru! I wonder why they named this one a "Green" Sandpiper! Great shots!

  4. i'm sure you're sad to see them go.

  5. My comment didn't post just now so I'll try again. Wonderful shots of the beautiful Green Sandpiper.

  6. Great shots and lovelu refection in 2nd shot.

  7. I know what you mean Adam. Green Sands are a really frustrating bird for me as I can't get anywhere near and there are no hides nearby to see them up close. I'd be well pleased with your cracking shots. By coincidence I had a Wood Sand today when I was expecting the bird to be a Green Sand.

  8. Nice shots of the green one. I too love waders but I find them soo hard to ID.

  9. I think the photos are just great.

  10. Nice shots - the birds are never close enough and the lens is never long enough - the facts of life in bird photography!!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne


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