Friday 24 October 2014

The Dunnock

One of those little brown jobs seen regularly on my walks is the Dunnock. It's actually a bird that I like a lot. I came to appreciate it a lot more a few years back, when I had one visit my garden regularly. I say one, it could quite easily have been two, three or four different birds. Anyway, up until that point I'd not really paid too much attention to the Dunnock, but this one intrigued me. Usually found flitting and skulking in the undergrowth, it had made it's presence known to me. To start with I noticed the song. It was different to most. Not like the Wren or the Robin, but given in short bursts. It came with such regularity that it put a smile on my face just to hear it through the kitchen window.
So although it's not a very colourful bird it's one I have a soft spot for.

You'll have to excuse the annoying stick in the way.


  1. Good shots! I especially like the last photo.

  2. nice capture if the dunnock, Annoying sticks is a natural phenomenon when shooting birds. :)

  3. All 3 shots are excellent. Have a great weekend.

  4. forgot to give you my link. :(
    Mine is here welcome:

  5. Nice bird - when I was a lad (!) these were hedge sparrows! Sticks - who needs them!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  6. A pretty bird, looks similar to some of our sparrows..Great shots.. Thank you for linking up, have a happy weekend!

  7. Even though there's an "annoying stick" you took great photos of the bird.

  8. Excellent shots. Your Dunnock reminds me of our endemic to East Africa Silverbird. I also had an exciting capture of an owl during the week, and when I downloaded it, I saw each photo had a twig in front of its face! Happy birding. Jo

  9. Beautiful bird photography ~ think the 'annoying stick' actually adds to the photo ~ Any bird that makes one smile is a delight to me! I also think it is a very beautiful bird!

    Happy Weekend to you
    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  10. Lovely shots. I like the way it's perched at the end of the twig.

  11. Great photos! What a sweet little bird. Glad to know it has a lovely song you enjoy as well.

  12. Great shots! It's a very pretty bird.

  13. Oh, that's sweet. I think I love the 3rd photo best.

  14. I don't know how you managed to get a Dunnock to pose for you like that Adam. In my garden they just skulk around near the bottom of the trees and hedgerows and it would be easy to miss them altogether. Very nice pics.

  15. Wow...these photos are truly worthy of a calendar layout! Perfect in every way.

  16. Gorgeous photos of a sweet bird.

  17. Hahaha!
    The annoying stick in the way!!!
    That goes with animal photography, we don't alway choose how we'd like to have the subject pause! LOL!
    Great pics nonetheless :)


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