Wednesday 9 August 2023

RSPB Bempton Cliffs

RSPB Bempton Cliffs has so many birds to offer, but being able to get up close and personal with these birds in their nesting habitat is one of the key attractions for me. With many ledges built out of the cliff you can see down on to the birds and get very close as they fly by at eye level.

These Guillemots were happy enough being closely packed in, but made a constant din of noise just to ward off their neighbours in case they got too close.

Below you can see a Bridled Guillemot with a white ring around its eye. It looks like it's wearing glasses.

The very good looking Kittiwake

The stiff winged Fulmar soaring on the thermals over the cliffs

Thursday 3 August 2023


Whilst I was looking for my Spotted Flycatchers, I was lucky to find quite a few Common Redstarts, and one particular male was very busy collecting food for it's young in the nest. It was a lovely warm morning and the sun was also just in the right place as he landed in front of me on a garden gate. What an absolutely stunning bird this is, and they are only 10 miles away from my doorstep.

Male Redstart