Saturday 2 June 2012

What the Chough....

Whilst on my North Wales birding trip last weekend, one of the major highlights for me was seeing my first Chough. In fact we went on to see several. It was great to see them soaring around the cliffs and then to watch them effortlessly pull in their wings and dive. Something I'll always remember.
They are a member of the crow family, but unlike other crows, they have a bright red bill and red legs to match. Quite striking when you first see them and expect it to be just another Carrion Crow.
They are steadily increasing in numbers in the UK, but are exclusively seen on the west coast, but not everywhere.

The lighthouse at South Stack RSPB reserve. Below the lighthouse are the nesting Guillemots, Kittiwakes, Fulmars and Razorbills.

The Chough, with wings pulled in.

Here you can just see the red feet.


  1. Superb flight shots Adam.. It's a fantastic place to visit. Have you visited the tern colony at Cemlyn Bay.

  2. Terrific shots! That bird looks like it is supended midair!

  3. Great captures of those very distinctive birds.


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